Saturday, April 23, 2016


Salut tout le monde,

My new book, "Pic-poems & Stuff", has been published! It is available on Amazon HERE.

Fifty (50) of my poems for your enjoyment . . . .

It is also available at the CreateSpace website, click . . . . . HERE 

Promo reads . . . .

Hidden deep within many pictures is a stirring emotion that leads to the unexpected, exciting and memorable revelation. . .


Responding to a picture, can lead to a revealing saga, a mystery and even a poem. These literary masterpieces are both unique and unforgettable.

This is an amazing collection of "Pic-poems" that may leave you smiling, pull at your heart strings and/or leave you in tears.

Please forward this page to your friends on your mailing list . . . .Thanks


P.S. This would be a super Mother's Day gift!!!!!